GNOME onboard keyboard and translatium

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Registriert: 18.02.2022 12:23:59

GNOME onboard keyboard and translatium

Beitrag von hermann22 » 18.02.2022 12:43:25

hello everybody,

would really appreciate your help with this!
i am using debian bullseyes GOK which i am not able to set up in foreign keyboards (i.e. kyrillic, farsi and the like)
The idea behind it is a scenario where a "customer" can use GOK via mouse to write in his or her native language in a translator (i.e. translatium) for communication, i can then put in my answer in english via hardware keyboard,
The other thing is that translatium is not working with GOK, so its copy paste via OO...

Any ideas?

Many thanks!

BTW: its not for any commercial use! i am working with refugees from all over the world and that would make life much easier...

Hab es soweit geschafft das GOK mit dem Terminal, Browser etc funktioniert (leider nicht mit translatium). Allerdings ist es mir unmöglich verschiedene Alphabete zu nutzen (z.Bsp. Tastaturbelegung arabisch; funktioniert über Hardware Tastatur aber nicht mit GOK)

Wäre als Debian Neuling für eure Hilfe sehr dankbar!
